Friday, August 28, 2009

Snow Leopard

I was the first kid on the block to get my copy. I pre-ordered via the web and got free next-day shipping so it would reach me by the premier date of Friday, August 28 (today).

Charles broke open the package for me. I popped the DVD in and it started up. Next it asked me to Continue....then Agree to the EULA....then select a disk.

Unfortunately, my hard disk was not an option. Only the external USB drive was visible.

I rebooted, same thing. I unmounted the external USB disk, rebooted, no disks to select from. I booted straight to the DVD and I had both the USB and internal HDD to choose from.......but I was scared of a fresh install that would blow away my existing machine.

I called tech support and surprisingly, they answered quickly. The guy said I was the 5th Snow Leopard installer to call. I was also the fifth that had a RAID boot volume. He was starting to see a pattern......

L2 support told me it was expected, but would be OK. They said boot directly to the DVD and proceed. They said it would be smart enough to know it's an upgrade.


They were right. Seems all is OK.

Stay tuned for ongoing evaluations and Tips & Tricks.

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