Sunday, August 30, 2009

Productivity Weekend !!

Last weekend I didn't have much to do, and I couldn't get any of my family to do anything but vegetate in front of the TV or computer. It was sickening. I ranted all weekend about how sick it was to waste such unbelievable opportunities like the great outdoors, the Lake, inner tubing, ANYTHING but wasting such precious leisure time

Then I was embarrassed when I realized how I ranted about doing nothing, yet had so many of my own things left undone. Well, I fixed it this weekend !! Virtually everything is complete.
  • Installed new ceiling fan
  • Installed flashing on breezeway
  • Repaired paint on breezeway
  • Cleared brush in yard
  • Fixed carburetor on power washer
  • Taught Charles how to mow the yard
  • Got extra gas can
  • Put 10 gals in boat since ramp is so-so
  • Killed remnants of cleared trees
  • Filed brake service rebate ($50)
  • Updated status on coffee scam refund
I also cooked 3/4 of lupper (lunch/supper) today.

I'm so proud of Charles !! He helped me in everything. He even mowed the entire yard for the 1st time today !!

The girls were OK too. Both went for sleepovers Friday night, so both napped much of Saturday. Perfect time for Charles and I to knock all this out.

The only things left are:
  • Painting newly installed flashing
  • Refinishing the deck now that power washer works
I hope the rest of the power washer hasn't decayed like the hoses/seals on the carburetor. It leaked gas before fixing it. Bad float bowl seal + bad fuel hose. Hard to believe it's only 6 years old.

Susan will be able to drive the boat even if she can't get in the water. I look forward to the life O'Reiley again.......;^)

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