Thursday, July 30, 2009

CHRP Church Retreat

CHRP last weekend was fantastic. I knew nothing about it, so it was completely unexpected. The personal aspect was touching for me. Amazing timing as well. The faith shares are something I wanted to do anyway. It was that desire that led me to create this blog.........

Turns out St. Theresa's has had this program for over 7 years. I am part of Team 15, and I'll be helping sponsor Team 16's event next winter.

I'm looking forward to it !! This will be a nice fill for the hole left after I finished RCIA on Easter, 2008.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Good Day

This was a good day overall. Danielle and Charles stayed home with Susan. They were all happy and stayed that way after I arrived !! Charles and I played billiards and had fun. No yelling....very nice.

We talked to Angela on the phone. Yesterday they told me she thought we had already talked, but today Angela said she missed me !! I got to talk to her first. She got a little sad in the middle, but cheered up when telling me about the Matagorda shop.

Susan and I decided to cancel Hudson's On The Bend. $200 EACH for the prix fixe was ridiculous. We wanted to go to Aquaralle Sunday night, but they're not open Sunday. So we'll probably just wait another week till the kids are out of town.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First try.....

First Facebook, now a Blog. But the two will only have value if there is synergy. Testing Notes' automagic import of Blog posts via Atom/RSS feed. I hope it works like I expect it to.